Medications are bought by all people: billionaires and poor people. But in contrast to the fact that some people selected brand medication, while others – cheap analogs. But you can always buy generic drugs online.
Generics and Brand-Name Drugs: What is the Difference?
Recently, a new word came into use – “generic”. What does it mean? According to the World Health Organization, generics are considered to be drugs that are manufactured without a license but are able to replace the original drug. They appear on the market after the expiration patent date comes to an end.
The question arises: “Where to buy generic drugs?” Contact our online store – [email protected], and we will help you find the right products.
To create a new drug, you need to make substantial investments (hundreds of millions of dollars or even a billion) and spend a lot of time (10-15 years) for active ingredient development and production technology, thereby testing drug effectiveness and side effects finding, as well as advertising campaign conduct. Basically, the patent is valid for up to twenty years, half of whom is proved to be preparatory work for drug creation. Therefore, for company’s remainder, it is necessary not only to return money spent but also to receive significant profit. Because of this fact, patented drugs are very expensive, but it is characterized by high quality.
In generic drugs production manufacturer is spending a lot less money, as this technology has developed and promoted by “company-manufacturer”. Therefore, the price of generic drugs is much lower than proprietary funds.
In fact, generic drugs are fakes, but fakes are legal and qualified. They contain the same active ingredients as original medications and have a similar effect: biological, pharmaceutical and therapeutic. In their production, it complies with established regulations, technologies and standards. Therefore, generics are safe and effective as patented drugs. They differ only in lower price and appearance. Sometimes they add some other substances which may change the taste.
In order not to violate copyrights generics medications are made under different names.
Generic Copy and Forgery
Not to be confused with cheap generic copies and fakes. How do they differ?
Copies are called drugs that are made without waiting for patent’s expiry. They can be compared with production of pirated movies and software. Copies have the same composition and are characterized by the same properties as generics, but are made in violation of legal regulations, it is prohibited by law.
Here is included counterfeiting medicines, the structure of which in order to increase profits, instead of the active substance is added by another substance: less active, but cheap and neutral. Naturally, these medications will not have the expected action.
Generics in the USA are able to perfectly replace inaccessible to most patients branded medicines. Most often, manufacturers offer to buy generic Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra.
What to Choose: Brand Drugs or Generics?
It is quite clear that company-developer of original medications, spends a lot of money for their offspring’s implementation, and only begins to get substantial income from its selling it will be argued that branded drugs far exceed quality and effectiveness of generic drugs. Although in reality it has not such a picture.
But it is up to you to decide, what drug to buy – brand or generic, which for many are more attractive thanks to an affordable price.
If you decide to order generics, then you should use our online service – Canadian Health and Care Mall. Our staff will be delighted to answer all your questions and help you choose an effective means suitable exactly for your case. Generic drugs are available in various diseases’ treatment and erectile dysfunction is the most popular. Among most popular medications are Avana and Kamagra.