Natural Methods to Overcome Erectile Dysfunction

The problem of improving erectile function is highly relevant today and makes men worried since time immemorial. Therefore, traditional medicine recipes have accumulated a lot of ways and means to solve this problem. In the first place, of course, is taken by herbal medicine. On the second – by means of food to improve potency. Well, on the third – water treatment is very creative ways to increase virility.


To improve erectile function medicinal herbs, infusions and tinctures should be taken systematically. The irregular appointment is likely to be ineffective. To increase erectile function by traditional medicine it is required to use individual herbs and tea. The recipe is meant dried herbs use.


ginsengThis is a highly recognized since ancient times aphrodisiac (a substance stimulating amorous passion). The root of wild ginseng is unavailable, but pharmacy ginseng root solution, grown on plantations, perfectly helps men cope with temporary erectile weakness. 30-40 drops of solution in the morning and again in the afternoon (2 times a day). Treatment may be very long-lasting, during which side effects are not observed.

Veronica chamaedrysGolden Bunting

This herb is used as a solution: 5 tablespoons of Golden Bunting, brewed with boiling water (one glass), it is necessary to extract for 3/4 hours. The prepared solution should be taken for 1 day in 3-4 divided doses. Golden Bunting can be taken for two weeks.

St. John’s Wort

St. John's Wort
The well-known and popular plant has the ability to enhance blood circulation in pelvic organs. To improve erectile function you should take a solution of St. John’s wort. After a 7-day solution intake, it should be taken in a single dose of 40 drops; 1-day admission is repeated 3 times.


Motherwort in amounts of two teaspoons is poured with half a liter of boiled water, cooled to room temperature. 8-hour extracted solution should be taken thrice daily for 100 ml, before meals.


One tablespoon of lilac flowers, brewed with boiled water and cool to room temperature. This solution is necessary to be taken for 1 day in small portions (30-40 ml). The course of treatment is no more than two weeks.


To improve erectile function, it is recommended 5 tablespoons nettle seeds thrown into the boiling port (or more wine grape), and prepare it for no more than 5 minutes. Wine amount is 1/2 liter. Extract for half an hour. Take overnight in 50 ml dosage.

Acorus CalamusAcorus Calamus

Creeping rootstock of the plant is cut into small pieces and boiled water bay (1 cup), extracted for 8 hours. A single dose – 1 tablespoon. Reception is repeated 3 times, before meals. You can just chew a few times a day, small pieces of creeping rootstock (despite its bitter taste).

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Fresh Aloe juice mixed with honey (in a ratio of 1: 5). A single dose – 1 teaspoon of the mixture. Admission is repeated 3 times, before meals. Treatment can be continued for 1-2 months.

Green TeaGreen Tea

For the treatment of impotence green tea is used in the form of the solution. 30 oz. leaf green tea and 150 gr refined sugar, filled with a liter of vodka, kept for weeks in the refrigerator. Take one tablespoon after breakfast, and the same – for the night.

Sea BuckthornSea Buckthorn

In case of decreased erectile function sea buckthorn juice is mixed with mumiyo 20. A single dose of reception – 1 tablespoon. 1 day admission is repeated 3 times. The course is a minimum three weeks.


This herb to improve potency is not taken orally. The dried roots are pulverized. A tablespoon of resulting powder was mixed with the same amount of fresh milk. The resulting mixture was rubbed into the skin every day. The course of treatment – no more than two weeks.

Herbal Tea Varieties

  1. Herbal tea of St. John’s wort, nettle, clover, and mint. These herbs are taken in equal amounts (5 teaspoons of each herb), poured into a thermos with a liter of boiling water. Extracted for 20 minutes and filtered. A single dose of reception – 1 cup. 1-day admission is repeated 3 times.
  2. Herbal tea of raspberry, strawberry, blackberry and blackcurrant leaves. The leaves of these plants are taken of one tablespoon, mixed, and 3 tablespoons of resulting mixture, brewed with boiling water (three glasses). The mixture is left to warm in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then turn off the fire, give a solution to cool. Drink as a tea for 1 cup half an hour before meals. 1-day admission is repeated 3 times.
  3. Herbal tea of mountain ash and wild rose. Take equal parts (20 oz.) of dried berries of mountain ash and dried rose hips. Boil half a liter of water in the thermos. After 6 hours solution will be prepared. Take half a cup. 1-day admission is repeated 3 times.
  4. A mixture of aralia, ginseng, Eleutherococcus, and Rhodiola rosea. Take pharmacy solution and extracts: Aralia solution – 50 ml; ginseng solution – 50 ml; Siberian Ginseng Extract – 30 ml; Rhodiola rosea extract – 30 ml. All these are mixed and stored in a dark place. 30 drops of the mixture taken after meals three times a day.

Foods That Treat EDfood treatment

  • Foods containing large amounts of protein as well as vitamins A, B, and E, increase male sexual function. Therefore men, unsatisfied with the level of its potential, need to include in their daily menu these products. Foods high in protein include meat, fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs, and mushrooms;
  • At the dinner table, every day must be a sufficient amount of meat dishes. A beneficial effect on the level of potency even ordinary cutlets or roast provide;
  • Fish (especially flounder and mackerel), red caviar, meat, stingrays and sharks, seafood (shrimp, mussels, oysters) – all these are the source of man’s sexual energy. However, these products need to be used not in a fried, but boiled form otherwise the desired effect won’t be achieved;
  • Dairy products improve erectile function as well: sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt. But for the preparation of these products should be used fully natural and not pasteurized milk;
  • Eggs are useful in any form: boiled, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, etc. In traditional medicine, one egg yolk, hard-boiled especially recommended to eat every morning on an empty stomach;
  • Mushrooms are considered aphrodisiacs as well. They are also a source of protein and is also rich with zinc, having a beneficial effect on potency. Truffles and morels are especially effective and beneficial for sexual function.
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  • Onions of all varieties since ancient times have been used to improve the potency. Onions boiled, fried, baked, and even dried form, and as part of various dishes are equally useful;
  • Turnip is also used to treat impotence. Fresh turnips should be boiled in carrot juice or milk, mix in equal parts with honey. 1/3 cup of the mixture is recommended to eat before a meal three times a day;
  • Sexual power may be increased by braised in milk carrots. It should be taken at the same dosage as a turnip. Tomatoes are very useful as well to enhance potency. They can be eaten in unlimited quantities, especially baked or stewed;
  • Watermelon and cantaloupe, though not relate to vegetables, are also aphrodisiac. Recent studies have shown that watermelon contains substances that perform on the male body like Viagra. It is useful as a vegetable salad mixed with lemon juice and olive oil. Moreover, they are encouraged to eat at sunset. The desired effect is guaranteed within a few days!


  • Avocados, pineapples, bananas, pomegranates, figs, strawberries, coconut, dates;
  • Nuts (walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, filberts, pistachios, etc.) are perhaps the most useful for improving erectile function. You can just eat walnuts for a month (for 100 gr. per day).

Other Ways to Improve the Erectile Function


This means is one of the most powerful to enhance male sexual energy. A single dose of mumiyo is 0.15-0.2 g. It should be dissolved in a tablespoon of water, and use orally for 4-6 weeks. Resulted drugs are taken in the morning and bedtime. After treatment, it is necessary to do a 2-week break. Then you can carry out cure again. Do not forget: mumiyo is not compatible with alcohol!

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Water Treatment

Steam Bath

This is a wonderful traditional remedy helping with the reduced level of erectile function. Such a bath should be visited 2 times per week. You can go 2-3 times to steam room, but do not stay there for more than 10 minutes. Sweating recommends by means of a birch broom.

Contrast Baths

This procedure is carried out in the evening, an hour before bedtime. Two large containers are filled with water: hot (40-45o) and cold (15-24o). Seat the first 1 minute in a hot bath, and then – for 1 minute in cold, and repeat the shift position 10 times.

Original Ways to Treat ED

Walking Barefoot

Walking Barefoot

This is the simplest means effectively improving erectile function. You can walk barefoot through the apartment, but better, of course, in the summer – grass, earth, sand. Thus irritated biologically active points on feet, including those that stimulate increased erectile function.

Ice Compress

Half a kilo of ice needs to be chopped, wrapped in 8 layers of gauze. First, attach it for 1 minute in a hole under the neck, and then for 1 minute – in the chest, then 1 minute – to the scrotum. This procedure should be repeated 3-5 times in a row. If you decide to endure “this torture” with ice, then a few days you will be pleasantly surprised with the result.